Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 61: Feast and Famine. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Hola Familia y Amigos,
 So just every week it switches off between feast (a million emails) and famine (6 emails today- 5 from the mission office and the other from MARY BLODGETT!!  Thanks Mary!!).  haha I am not complaining I just think it is funny.  And it gives me an excuse to write less as well, especially because we only have 1 hour now and I still have to write Presidente.  
 So this week has been crazy.  I am in Collao now and it is really close to concé and it is really long and skinny.  I have really enjoyed it though!  Hermana Glazier is my comp and she is 20 and is from Provo, UT.  She has one more cambio than me in the mission.  She is great!!  
  We have a few really good families and investigators, but they did not come to church, which really stinks because then they can´t progress.  So we are just going to work even harder and find even better people this week.  Ones that are prepared to progress!!!
So just an awesome experience that can´t even be described in an email.   Basically we talked to this kid, Sebastian, ( who was drunk and probably 17 years old) on the street because we were lost.  But he didn´t know how to help us and so he left.  After about 10 steps he turns around comes back to us and starts crying a little and straight up asks "Why are you so happy?  What do you have that makes you so happy?"   We respond "Jesus Christ."  And he was like no that is not concrete enough for me and asked again.  We respond the same.  And then keep talking and asking him questions and him asking us questions for like 20 minutes. He has does not have a good family relationship and he has thought about committing suicide more than once in his life. It was a little weird because he was a little drunk, but we got his address and he lives just out of our sector, but the elders are going to visit him.  We ran into him again yesterday and he was not drunk and just looked so much better and he passed quickly, but said "The Elders called me and they are going to pass by on Wednesday"  He looked so excited!!  It just was such a great spiritual experience to really testify of Jesus Christ and his healing power and really make a huge difference in this kids life!!  I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!  It is the most satisfying work in the universe.

I love you all have a great week!!!!!!!!!!
-Hermana Corbett
p.s. Yeah all my letters will be getting shorter.  haha

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